Ryan Rappaport is Shaking Things Up in Boston

Well, if not Boston, I’m at least shaking things up here. Welcome to my website!
First, a little bit about me: Ryan Rappaport is a (you guessed it) Boston-based dramaturg and actor. He is currently the Assistant to the Artistic Director at Central Square Theatre. How cool is that?!
I am occasionally writing my thoughts on literally anything over on my blog. Come read what I’m thinking about over there!
If you want to see what’s coming up, what I’ve done, etc., then check out my news page for any and all info.
Please, check out my blog, it’s a great way to get to know me! Thank you for dropping by, I hope you enjoy my little corner of the internet.
If you want to get in touch, check out my contact page, where I will let you know what options are available.

Here are just a few of the productions that Ryan has been in!