Letter 1: Daily Dispatch
I’m taking a cue from two influences today: Scott Scheper (the man who is revitalizing the Zettelkasten with his ideas about the ANTINET) in the idea of letters as a way to blog, and that of Austin Kleon’s concept of the daily dispatch as a means of showing your work.
Cutting Corners and Coffee
I deserve time to myself; away from my phone, away from distractions, away from work. Just me, my thoughts, a piece of paper, and a cup of coffee.
A Letter From Myself at 80
Where I actually wrote the letter. If I chose to write a letter from myself at 80 to me at 23, what would I write? I’m currently making my way through The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron. Although I’ve been following it chronologically, I’ve not really been following it week by week. That is to…
Exploring Yourself: The Vital Process of Self-Discovery
How I neglected to explore myself and my interests, and how I began to discover who I am and want to be.